Pricing Your Procedure & Tips for Reducing Medical Costs

Want to get a fair price on a medical procedure? Where do you begin and how can you make sure it is accurate?  We all know that people are being forced to bear the cost of healthcare on their own, either because they have high deductibles or are choosing to self-pay because they can’t afford the high premium.

Sadly, while there have been some attempts at making pricing more transparent, we have a ways to go and this leaves many in the dark about the price of a medical procedure until you get the bill. 

Why is it so hard to find out how much a medical procedure will cost?

The reality is that there’s not a straightforward way to understand medical procedures and the costs associated with them. Sure, you can look up “knee replacement surgery” and get a good overview of what the procedure itself entails. It’s challenging to find a clear fair cost estimate, although with more legislation around price transparency I believe we are seeing improvements.

In the meantime, there are tools and ways to get close to that price ways to reduce medical costs that allows you to manage your budget and get the healthcare services you need.

Let’s discuss:

  1. Questions to ask your provider’s office?
  2. Tools to use to determining Your Costs
  3. Tips to Lower Medical Costs Overall

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Episode 11: Pricing Your Procedure & Tips For reducing Medical Costs


Free Pricing Tool – Fair Health Consumer

How to Get a Fair Price on a Medical Procedure

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Medicare Pricing Tool

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Episode 11 Fair Health Pricing Demo