Patient Care Equity or InEquity?

For more than 150 years, advocates have been waging campaigns for health equity in the U.S. Relying primarily on moral arguments, these campaigns have tackled inequities in racial and ethnic minority health, women’s health, mental health, children’s health, veterans’ health, rural health, and most recently LGBTQ health. While these various campaigns have faded in and out the health equity movement as a whole has become increasingly mainstream in recent years and is finally a national priority

The reason for this is simple: Equity has become more than just a moral issue. Today, it is a legal and an economic issue that needs to be supported by both Republicans and Democrats at federal and state levels….but will it be a priority?

What we will discuss:

  • What is Patient Health Equity?
  • Social Determinants of Health
  • Patient Stories – hearing how patient inequity exists
  • Healthcare organizations and priorities for change with Patient Equity in mind

Prefer a Transcript

Episode 9 Patient Care Equity or Inequity


Why Health Equity Matters in an Era of Health Care Transformation

Podcast: Dr. Chris Chen featured on Health Equity Now with John Gorman

What is Healthcare Equality

Achieving Racial and Ethnical Equity in U.S. healthcare

Minority Health Disparities: Michelle’s Story – Video

How One Woman’s Story of Medical Neglect Highlights the Pervasive Issue of Racism in Healthcare

Work in Healthcare? Tell the Global Inequity Story Loudly, Publicly

Healthcare A Patient’s Story…Supporting the LBGTQ Community

Equality Health…It Matters

Factoring in Patients’ Experiences is Essential for Moving the Needle on Health Disparities

Video: Divergent Paths: A Health Equity Story

They Treat Me Like I’m Old and Stupid: Seniors Decry Health Providers’ Age Bias


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