Healthcare Today and Future Trends with James F. Jordan, Healthcare & Life Sciences Expert

How is it that we live in the U.S. where we have freedoms and opportunities, yet our healthcare spend is outrageous, the system is fragmented resulting in delays in care, rushed visits and lack of quality of care that we all want.  

If we look at the business side of healthcare, what the issues are and where the trends are going, we can make needed changes to the system, lower costs and get better healthcare.

We can also leverage new trends that we can use to be empowered by using technology to track blood pressure or glucose and have this data to provide at our doctor’s visit and work with our providers for our health goals.

How do you get this information, and stay informed, we all have busy lives, but the truth is knowledge is our superpower when it comes to navigating the healthcare system and getting the care we deserve.

I am excited to have James Jordan we will refer to as Jim on the show today to help us understand where healthcare is going and options available to consumers.

Jim Jordan is a healthcare and life sciences expert. He is a Distinguished Service Professor of Health Care and Biotechnology at Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College, the President of StraTactic, the National Co-Chairman of the BIO Bootcamp, and the Founder of the Healthcare Data Center. He has published numerous articles and books on innovation, startups, intellectual property, and health systems.

As an author, speaker, and consultant, he works with hospitals, health systems, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, biotechnology, and health IT; Jordan is an active industry expert looking for ways to improve the business of healthcare. This combined experience makes Jim a sought-after healthcare expert for reporters and the media.

Today we will discuss:


1)    The State of Healthcare.

2)    Why Healthcare is so complicated?

3)    Healthcare Trends and Predictions – Amazon, AI, Walmart Health – Healthcare Disruptors.

4)    What needs to be done to fix it?


James F. Jordan, Healthcare & Life Sciences Expert